Sunday, 2 October 2022

~~ ABCD ~~

Of  Intelligence! 


Action Between Conflict and Desire. 


Action is the dynamic aspect of Desire. 

Desire is the potential aspect of Action.

Conflict between the two is Doubt.

Accordingly, depending upon, this Conflict is at two levels, and kinds of the mind-set and the temperament.

The two kinds are the intellectual and the sentimental.

This obsession with the conflict between intellect and sentiment on one hand, and between thought and feeling on the other, and is the root-cause of discontent.

The desire itself is an aggregate of so many different and divergent wishes that it is just impossible to fulfil them together.

Everyone, without exception is prone to and be possessed by these contradicting, multiple and many desires.

Still, the two main tendencies of the mind are the thought and the feeling.

Everyone has any one of the two prominent, - that dominates the other.

This is the basic tug of war within oneself. 

Sometimes the thought dominates over the feeling and at some other time, the feeling dominates over the thought.

So a common man is driven mostly either by the feeling or by the thinking. 

People say :

"I want, like, dislike, desire, fear, love, hate, -of this and that."

Then they say :

"I think, in this manner, way; I'm of the view, opinion, ..."

Feelings, desires, fears, cravings, attachment, detachment, indifference, reluctance, hatred, affection, love, come from the heart, and the thought, views, ideals, opinions, rationales, even ideologies, philosophies, come from the brain.

Memory is the bridge between the two, and the memory is but the habit that works in a mechanical way, according to conditions and conditioning.

At gross level there are basically two types of people in general.

Maybe, we could say :

Most of the males tend to behave driven by their individual brain, while the females are driven by their individual heart.

But because of the need of the moment, the things get so mixed-up, in such a way that one can hardly understand what drives in one, - the action.

The Utopia of Success and Failure.  

In the ultimate analysis and inference, one tries to be successful and avoid failure. One can but sure see, it is not that success always  brings happiness, one had expected. Sometimes even if you're successful you are not happy. You've to maintain that chain of successes and stay firmly in the competition. And you know, because of the situation, no one can always be successful.

So really and essentially we are after finding  happiness and the success and failure don't matter as much. We want to be happy but it is not easy, and there is no some set formula that can help us in our efforts of being happy always. It is just not easy to attain happiness for ever. What do we mean by happiness? Is it a kind of pleasure, or there are only a few long or short moments of thrill, excitement, and joy that we mistake for happiness? Is it not that, it is; -the pleasure, the excitement, the thrill, what keeps us anticipating striving always for success, and through it we do feel occasionally a momentary happiness. Is that true happiness or just an activity that lets us think we are happy! Or, is it not, because of our attention that has diverted away from  boredom, and though there are needs of the livelihood and one has to work to somehow meet the bare necessities of living the life? 

Instead of making our efforts at finding out happiness, could we perhaps try to see why we are unhappy? Why is this meaningless-ness in life? Of course, food, clothes, shelter we need the most, we also need security and a healthy life without disease. But there is the old age, when the vigor, life and energy in us go waning and we somehow keep on dragging only. Before coming of the age and when the vigor and energy have gone in a way, that there is no hope left any, we never question:

"Why we are unhappy?!"

Either there are problems and difficulties in living day to day life, or if we are successful, we hope of acquiring even more success, joy and wealth in life, which invariably brings with it, the worries too.

As an alternative and in passing the time in waiting, we seek amusement, entertainment. This way we somehow ignore this question :

"Why we are unhappy?!"

Either this never occurs to us, or makes no impact upon us. Blind to it, we get occupied with rather trivial things that attract us and are amused. This amusement is what our life is all about. Worries too keep us occupied all the time! 

A few years ago I used to be fully absorbed in a problem. I loved very much playing and solving the Sudoku. I could almost succeed in solving any 9x9 Sudoku, howsoever easy or difficult.

But the question :

"What next?"

Never occurred to me!

"Even if I have succeeded in solving such a problem, does it really makes sense? Does it really matter?"

I could perhaps pass my whole life in solving such many Sudoku, or I may become more  clever, but does it make me any more wise, more intelligent, so that I can understand : 

"What is life, or what life is about?"

Getting excited, thrilled or amused doesn't make me any mature. Going through many and innumerable experiences hardly makes me mature. I remain as much a stupid and idiot as I had been earlier.

The same thing is true about success. 

Do I see the point?

Only if a spark in me is kindled and only if the question arises in me :

"What is it, the life, the world, the 'me', and the 'other' is all about?"

Only if such a question pierces through my very being, then only perhaps I may become intelligent.

Like the Sudoku I can ponder endlessly over innumerable philosophical questions about anything; Science, Mathematics, knowledge and other subjects that need and are based on "information".

Does that make me really any more wise?

Or, I remain as much an idiot and as much a stupid as I had ever been so far, -before this question arose in me?


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