Friday, 15 July 2022

Resurgence / Divinity

The Last Sermon.

"Decay is inherent in all composite things."

Was the Last Teaching given by Lord Buddha to His closest disciple.
He didn't say extinction or annihilation. 
This was simply to point out that change is the only permanent background and the underlying principle that is what is known as the Life, the Nature and the World.
This is also as much true about the body, the mind, and most importantly the "me", the self or the ego. 
All things inevitably undergo this change without resistance on their part. The ego is the only exception to this phenomenon.
But one can't think, ponder over or speak about this thing, the ego, which is neither an objective Reality nor a subjective one.  That is how it survives, constantly deteriorating and becoming worse from bad, and worst from worse. Yet it keeps on living its own existence. No effort or attempt on its part could annihilate it. Neither someone or something else could do this in this matter. No-one and nothing can help.

A Hindi Poet has expressed the same in the following lines :

बिगरी बात बने नहीं, लाख करे कि न कोय। 
रहिमन बिगरे दूध को मथे न माखन होय।।

In English the same idea is expressed in the words :
"Crying over the split milk."
Ego is the split milk.
There is change that is reversible. Water is found in the forms like ice, liquid water and the vapour. In these three forms, water is the same unchangeable underlying principle.

On the other hand, what is called The life, or  The existence, the World, and the "me" that takes place as the phenomenon, appear to go through change endlessly. Except the "me", nothing else deteriorates. Again there is the Consciousness where-in they keep appearing and disappearing again and again and this causes the illusion of time. Neither this time, nor the events that appear to take place are the Reality, that is beyond and untouched by this apparent change.
Isn't the idea of change itself the illusion?
Having accepted this idea, this very idea it-self thinks of the assumed change in terms of the irreversible and the reversible. And then only there is the decay and the deterioration.
Of course there is also :

The Automatic Divine Action,

That ever so keeps the order of all the things, the World, the Life in the perfect harmony.

The Immutable.

As everything that appears to take place and subsequently seems to disappear repeatedly, - without leaving a trace, what is known as the phenomenal, happens according to this :
 Divine Rule

That is beyond comprehension of the human intellect, how-so-ever advanced, developed, skilled and sophisticated.

If this :

Automatic Divine Action,

That is the only and the Unique Cause-less Cause, that subjects to, prompts, objectifies, and  inspires all and everything, is sensed,  discovered, and is realized, the question of bringing about any change is just no more.

Then what happens to 'me'- the ego?

Let us began again with :

"Decay is inherent in all composite things."

Ego is again the same phenomenal Reality that keeps emerging out and merging into from where it comes into being, verily :

The Consciousness.

Realizing that this Consciousness, in essence and spirit is no other than this :

Automatic Divine Action.

Is the dawn of Intelligence.


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