~~The Physicist ~~
And The T A O of P H Y S I C S.
Earlier they said :
Nothing (new) could ever be created,
You can but transform;
The Matter into Energy,
And You can, Energy into Matter.
Energy or Matter, it matters not:
Neither could be created,
Nor could be destroyed!
Now that theory and concept;
Has been discarded.
Even laughed at!
They now claim;
Physics has gone through total revolution,
They have experimentally created,
And demonstrated that --
Matter / Energy could be created,
Something could be made from Nothing!
What a sarcasm! What a hype,
What a science of deluded mind!
Don't they see, there is consciousness of;
Creating Something from Nothing,
The Consciousness prior to;
Creation and destruction?
Is there a time and place,
When and where;
The Consciousness has a beginning,
Or the middle or the end?
Do the Time and the Space,
Exist not in Consciousness?
Is consciousness result of an action?
The Core-error of judgement lies --
In the fact that Matter or Energy,
The objects and the objective world;
That appear and subsequently disappear,
Are never created nor destroyed,
But only go through,
Manifestation and dissolution.
The Consciousness is the background,
Where-in this play takes place,
And one may though be ignorant,
Oblivious of the fact,
Consciousness never rises nor sets!
Understanding this simple Reality,
Is itself realizing the truth.
The Consciousness --
That is itself.
That is verily धर्म ,
That is verily therm.
From धर्म / therm arises / manifests
धी (धी धियौ धियः)
the Theo / Theology / Theory / Tao
ताओ -- लाओत्से
The Intelligence (Principle).
The Intelligence arises / manifests as Theo,
Is verily Consciousness Relative.
Wher-in and Where-from,
The Life / Leaf / Live.
Theo is verily God. Truth, ऋत् .
That is how;
Nothing is Created nor annihilated.
Everything only manifests / appears to exist,
And subsequently undergos:
Dissolution / disappearance.
Create is cognate of संस्कृत root --
कृत / सृत / सृजित
Which are modified forms of the root verbs:
√कृ, डुकृञ्, and / or सृज्,
The former is used to denote 'doing',
While the later is used to denote :
"To throw out from within".
प्रथम अध्याय प्रथम खण्ड
ॐ आत्मा वा इदमेक एवाग्र आसीत्। नान्यत्किञ्चन मिषत्। स ईक्षत लोकान्नु सृजा इति।।१।।
In the beginning, there was this Self (आत्मन्) alone. Nothing else other than this Self.
He, That very Self indeed wished / observed :
May I bring forth (लोकाः) spaces / spheres.
सः इमाँल्लोकानसृजत। अम्भो मरीचिर्मरमापोऽदोऽम्भः परेण दिवं द्यौः प्रतिष्ठान्तरिक्षं मरीचयः पृथिवी मरो या अधस्त्तात्ता आपः ।।२।।
He delivered these spaces.
अम्भस् / अम्भो --
The Space that is upper and lower and fills this.
मरीचि - The Space in between them "अन्तरिक्ष".
This is really the Space as Consciousness.
That is how Upanishads reject the theory of "Creation" if anything (from what-so-ever)!
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